Principles of Sustainable Development as a Factor for International Harmonization of Technical Regulation for Railway Transport

Principles of Sustainable Development as a Factor for International Harmonization of Technical Regulation for Railway Transport

The article focuses on various aspects of implementation of sustainable development principles to systems of technical regulations within such issues as hierarchy of legal sources, qualification conflict, and asymmetric development of legal and convention mechanisms of law execution. The issues are examined with the consideration of sustainable development principles within the development of railways infrastructure.

The author proposes a special approach to define “sustainable development” with regard to railway transport; a set of measures which help to increase the efficiency of sustainable development principles by means of their deep integration into technical regulations in railway industry is suggested.

Troitskiy V. Principles of Sustainable Development as a Factor for International Harmonization of Technical Regulation for Railway Transport. Pacific Rim countries transportation systems magazine. ISSN: 2415-8658. N 3(12) 2017. P. 35-40.

Full text of this article is available on this website in Russian here.

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The article focuses on various aspects of implementation of sustainable development principles to systems of technical regulations within such issues as hierarchy of legal sources, qualification conflict, and asymmetric development of legal and convention mechanisms of law execution. The issues are examined with the consideration of sustainable development principles within the development of railways infrastructure.

State Bankruptcy as an Institution of International Law: Analysis of European Legal Realities

The article focuses on various aspects of implementation of sustainable development principles to systems of technical regulations within such issues as hierarchy of legal sources, qualification conflict, and asymmetric development of legal and convention mechanisms of law execution. The issues are examined with the consideration of sustainable development principles within the development of railways infrastructure.

New Trends in International Tax Planning and International Tax Control

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In 2014 in the framework of the OECD and according to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information was introduced. Its implementation is expected to bring critical changes in the efficiency of international fiscal control. Together with other measures taken by the international community, this protocol may change the nature of taxpayer – tax authority relations as well as bring new interpretations of such institutions as fiscal risks, tax optimisation and offshore zone. This article addresses the mutual influence of tax control and tax planning development in course of recent decades, as well as present-day changes and their influence on future behavior of taxpayers involved in international business operations.

Full version of this article is available on this website in Russian here.

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State Bankruptcy as an Institution of International Law: Analysis of European Legal Realities

In 2014 in the framework of the OECD and according to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information was introduced. Its implementation is expected to bring critical changes in the efficiency of international fiscal control.

Principles of Sustainable Development as a Factor for International Harmonization of Technical Regulation for Railway Transport

In 2014 in the framework of the OECD and according to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information was introduced. Its implementation is expected to bring critical changes in the efficiency of international fiscal control.

State Bankruptcy as an Institution of International Law: Analysis of European Legal Realities

The current European debt crisis keeps being a major threat both for regional and global economy. An instance of a bankruptcy of one country together with direct consequences arises potential "domino effect" which will affect entire region.
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However it is obvious now that a number of European countries are incapable to pay their bills and desperate efforts of EU leadership to cure them are nothing else but refinancing the debt which eventually just increases the problem in scale. Most attempts to generate any legal mechanism resolving or avoiding sovereign debt crisis failed or brought little outcome due to number of complicated political and economical reasons with the same reasons giving little hope such attempts might succeed in foreseeable future. Therefore it is high time to start systematic research on state bankruptcy issues. Furthermore as far as numerous non-EU states are placing their bonds on EU stocks and thus are subordinating their regime to EU rules, such research might have global applicability. One of the latest examples of the situation described above that will potentially affect the development of state bankruptcy regulation is the Ukrainian debt case, when this country stopped serving debts and repayment of bonds placed on Irish stock exchange and bought out by Russian Federation in the end of 2013.

Troitskiy V. (2016) State Bankruptcy as an Institution of International Law. International public and private law. ISSN: 1812-3910. N 6. 2016 P.6-9.

Full version of this article is available on this website in Russian here.

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Principles of Sustainable Development as a Factor for International Harmonization of Technical Regulation for Railway Transport

The current European debt crisis keeps being a major threat both for regional and global economy. An instance of a bankruptcy of one country together with direct consequences arises potential “domino effect” which will affect entire region.

New Trends in International Tax Planning and International Tax Control

The current European debt crisis keeps being a major threat both for regional and global economy. An instance of a bankruptcy of one country together with direct consequences arises potential “domino effect” which will affect entire region.